Dear Friends, In talking with others, I have found it hard getting people to understand that a man 90 years old can die unexpectedly. On th night of February 7th, Brother Gene Winfrey did. Although he was not without health issues, he still was so active taking care of his dear wife Wana, as well […]
Archive | Newsletter
Our Missionary Family
Our Missionary Family is a wonderful family for many reasons. It is all His Work, Wana and I did not plan who would make up this group. The Holy Spirit directed, guided, and led us to them. This work could not be done without all who support with their financial gifts. The money paid to […]
April, 2013
Dear Friends: Along with most of you, we and the Winfrey family have been mourning Bro. Gene’s passing, but we have not forgotten to celebrate his victory! WEA is moving forward, and is still strong in its commitment and resources due to the ongoing support of its contributors. For those of you who are remaining […]
August, 2010
Dr. Robert G. Lee said to a man who refused to accept the Genesis account of the creation of man: ‘You have gagged on a rib and turned right around and swallowed a live monkey…and you call that scholarship!’ The Bible says, ‘All things were made by Him (God); and without Him was not any […]
May, 2010
We have four sections in this newsletter. 1. God gave us a great meeting May 16-21 with Mike and Jane Whitt, New Life Baptist Church, Roxboro, N. C. It is an exciting Church and the building was packed out and some nights we had extra chairs. Mike has a great group of dedicated workers, men […]
THE MOST IMPORTANT LETTER OF THE YEAR, PLEASE READ AND ACT. Our beloved nation is about to commit one its greatest sins against God, The Church, The Bible, Christians, and all that this nation was built on. The House has passed Hate Crimes Prevention Act, H.R. 1913. Now to come before the Senate is ‘Matthew […]
When God is at His Best
When God is at His Best April 13-09, Wana fell and broke her hip. She was operated on April 14 and went into Rehab on April 18 for several weeks. Since that time until now we have been unable to travel. Some of the local Pastors have invited me to preach but we have been […]
July, 2008
1. Our Bible Study for this month is First Corinthians, chapter 13. I can’t remember the last time I used this chapter. Wana and I are in many meetings and many times we hear eight to fourteen messages during the week. I can’t remember when I heard a preacher use this chapter. BARCLAY calls this […]
The Real King is Not Dead
The Real King Is Not Dead This letter is different from most I send out. In this letter an old-man says a lot of things that he has wanted to say. I am 86 and I know that I don’t have much time so here are some things that are on my mind. There is […]
Antioch College
Antioch Baptist College Update – 2008 Saturday, May 17, we observed the 40th Anniversary of the Antioch Baptist Bible College and Seminary and our 39th Annual Graduation. Twenty-two graduated having finished the prescribed hours. To see them in their Caps and Gowns was a beautiful sight. Three received Associate of Biblical Studies Degree, two received […]