Antioch Baptist College Update – 2008
Saturday, May 17, we observed the 40th Anniversary of the Antioch Baptist Bible College and Seminary and our 39th Annual Graduation. Twenty-two graduated having finished the prescribed hours. To see them in their Caps and Gowns was a beautiful sight. Three received Associate of Biblical Studies Degree, two received Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies Degree, two received Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree, two received Bachelor of Divinity Degrees, 4 received Master of Divinity Degrees, two received Doctor of Ministry Degrees, and one a Doctor of Theology Degree, two received Honorary Degrees, Doctor of Divinity Degrees, the others Certificate of Biblical Studies.
In May of 1968 Wana and I were blessed and led of God to start the College and Seminary. It has been a blessed joy to serve the College and Seminary the past 40 years and serve as the President of Antioch Baptist Bible College and Seminary. Now I serve as C E O and Dr. Ed Kirsche, PH.D is President. We now can offer a PH.D Degree. We should give our first PH D Degrees next year in May 2009.
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