With the current fighting between Israel and Hezbollah so many have written, called, or sent e-mails asking such questions as, ‘Is this beginning of the end?, or ‘Where is this in the Book of Revelation?’, and other questions. As I understand the Bible God has a plan and we are not in the Book of Revelation, chapter 6 and on. What we are seeing is the things of Matthew 24, Luke 17 and 21. God’s promises to Israel will come after the Rapture and the Great Tribulation.
The next event from Heaven, as I understand the Bible, is the RAPTURE of the church. Matthew 24 does not mention nor talk about the Rapture. That comes later, a Mystery explained by Paul. The events we are seeing today are the result of nations that are not Christian. There is no fear of God, the God of the Bible, and man is trusting his own wisdom. All thinking persons know that ‘man’s wisdom’ has not produced peace and can never produce peace. The leaders of the world are meeting and to ‘no avail.’ God’s Word tells us that it will grow worse and worse.
An example: Look at Beirut today. It is being bombed and people are suffering. In l954 Dr. John Hull and I traveled in much of that part of the world. We were in Beirut. It was beautiful peaceful town. The Great University was there. The town was beautiful and peaceful. We had no worry about our safety. When you hear people say things have not changed, disregard what they say. We traveled in Beirut and Damascus and Egypt with no fear for our safety. We were not in wars as today. Missionaries had much more freedom than today. I fought in WW 11 and it was not the same kind of war that we face today.
I think we are seeing many fingers pointing to the Great Tribulation. They are shadows of things to come. You must remember this: The Rapture is SIGNLESS & TIMELESS. When you read about dates, numbers, you are dealing with Israel. Our duty is to WATCH and be ready when He does appear. He is coming back after His Church. That is a settled fact. When—we don’t know. There is no doubt that we are nearer that day than ever before and probably nearer than many Christians are aware.
Some things that are absolutes: l. There is a Church and He is coming after His Church. The next great event will be that time when He comes in clouds for His Bride. Until that time we will see the things that are happening today. You must always remember that God has a plan and program. The events taught in the Bible will come to pass. 2. There will be a seven-year time as taught in the Book of Revelation, and the last three and one half years will be the Great Tribulation. 3. There will be a person we call the ANTICHRIST. 4. The Events of Revelation 19 will come to pass in their time and in accordance to God’s Word. 5. There will be a 1000-year time of peace on earth.
What about Israel? Israel is out of the will of God. They have suffered and will continue to suffer. Joel 3-2 tells us that the nations have divided the land of Israel. As I see the Bible story—in Rev. 7—144.000 Jews will be sealed. This is after the Rapture. During the Tribulation the Jew will be betrayed but the Millennium will be a blessed time for the Jew. We have so many Old Testament promises for them. God made a covenant with the Jews in Abraham’s day. God tells us how large the Land of Israel will be and so many other wonderful promises. Of course the Jews will return to their God. Many of the promises of Joel will come to pass. Israel is still the people of God and the Land is still His land and His Capital will be in Jerusalem.
When you look at all that is happening and you don’t understand—go back to your Bible. The answer is there.
Many have asked about my health. I am walking each day, I drive, go to Church and do pretty much what I want to. I can do no yard work nor lift heavy objects. I am taking a lot of Medicine but I hope to continue my meetings Mid-August. I will never be able to do heavy work.
My schedule: August 20-25, Camp Meeting and Jubilee, Little Mountain Baptist Church, Ararat, N C. Dr. Bill Watson, Pastor, Dr. Rayton Puckett, moderator. Morning and evening services.
August 27, 2006, I am to preach both services for Dr. Tom Miles, Pastor of the Crooked Creek Baptist Church, Athens, Georgia. It is their annual Homecoming Service. It has been 35 or 40 years since I was there
September 11-14-2006, Annual Appalachian Baptist Fellowship Meeting, Antioch Baptist Church, Bristol, VA. Dr. Brad Davis, Pastor, Dr. Tolbert Moore, Moderator.
Tuesday, September 12, 7:00 pm I am to preach and at 8:15 pm Dr. Ralph Sexton, Jr. is to preach
September 24-27, 2006, Revival, Trinity Baptist Church, Thomasville, GA. Rev. Ken Burgess, Pastor.
November 6-10, Camp Meeting and Jubliee, Dyson Grove Baptist Church, Mountain City, TN. Rev.
Leonard Fletcher, Pastor and Director. This is one of the finest Camp Meetings of the year.
Friday, November 17, I hope to observe my 84th birthday.
February 5-8, 2007, Antioch Baptist Church Camp Meeting and Jubilee, Bristol, VA Dr. Brad Davis Pastor and Dr. Rayton Puckett, Moderator. This is a great meeting.
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