THANK YOU for the hundreds of e-mails, cards, letters, phone-calls, and visits I received during my illness and birthday On Friday, November 17, I hit that 84-year mark. It would be impossible for us to answer and acknowledge them all but they all meant so much and were such a blessing. To each one—God bless you is our prayer.
Saturday, December 2, 6:00 pm, the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of Antioch Baptist Bible College and Seminary. Dr. Ed Kirsche is President, I serve as the CEO, and in 1968 the Lord led me to establish the College and Seminary. God has been good to the College and Seminary. Dr. Kirsche is doing a marvelous job directing the School. He has earned his PH.D degree.
Sunday, December 10, I am to be with Dr. Lee Roy Dalrymple, Middleburg, Florida. What a thrill it will be to be with Dr. Lee Roy and Mrs. Gail. Once you hear Dr. Dalrymple you will never forget his message.
Sunday, December 3l, morning and evening, I am to be with Dr. Willard Thomas. Sunday evening and night they will have their NEW YEAR’S EVE SERVICE. Dr. Thomas is not only a great Preacher and Pastor but he is an outstanding Poet.
Sunday, January 7, 2007, 3:00 pm a wedding in Marietta, Georgia.
Sunday, February 4, 2007, Bristol, VA, the Churches will be announced later.
February 5-8, 2007 Annual Camp Meeting and Jubilee, Antioch Baptist Church, Bristol, VA, Dr. Brad Davis, Pastor, Dr. Rayton Puckett, Moderator.
February 12-15, GPA Meeting, Harvest Baptist Church, Spartanburg, SC, Dr. Terry McMillan, Pastor, Dr. Tolbert Moore, Moderator
Sunday, April 15, 2007, Dr. Ralph Easterwood, Pastor of Glen Haven B/C, has asked me to preach the 11:00 am service. It is an honor to be in that great and growing Church.
May 19, 2007, 2:00 pm, 38th Annual Graduation of the AntiochBaptistBibleCollege and Seminary.
June 4-7, 2007, Gospel Preachers Association Meeting, GalileanBaptistChurch,Lawrenceville, GA, Dr. Tolbert Moore, Pastor and Moderator.
September 23-26, 2007. Revival, TrinityBaptistChurch,Thomasville, Georgia, Rev. Ken Burgess, Pastor.
November 4, Churches and places to be announced later.
November 5-9, 2007, Dyson Grove will have their annual Camp Meeting and Jubilee. Rev. Leonard Fletcher, Pastor and Moderator. This is one meeting you must not miss.
We have many open dates and we would be honored to be in other Churches.
The third week of December, 18-22, I am scheduled for surgery (thoracic stent graft) at Emory University Hospital. Dr. Karthik Kasirajan is to do the surgery. Only ten doctors in the Nation perform this surgery and Dr. Kasirajan is one of the Doctors. The operation is scheduled because of the Aortic Dissection that I had on June 12, 2006. I will print the exact day of that week as soon as I hear. I am asking ALL of my friends who believe in prayer to be praying for me that day. In the words of an old song, ‘I need the prayers of those I love.’
I thank God for my family, Wana, my wife of 64 years, Jean Ann, our daughter, Mark, our son, and Bill Fogg, our son-in-law. They have been such a source of strength in the decision to have this surgery. Of course the great strength has been our Lovely Lord. Wana said tonight, ‘We are grateful to Our Lord for His Presence.’
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