Dear Friend in Christ:
Thank you for your friendship. We appreciate the many nice things that we hear from those who read our newsletters. Thank you for the many cards, letters, phone-calls and e-mail messages we receive
Christmas, 2005, will soon be here. As I read the account of the Birth of Christ as given by Luke and Matthew several important truths seem to leap out.
1. It had been announced hundreds of years before. The exact place was given….Micah 5-3, Bethlehem. When the men from the east came, the religious crowd of that day knew exactly where to find it and read of the place. However, there is no record of any of them ever going to Bethlehem to see it, nor did they seem to place any importance on that prophecy. The prophecy was there but it seemed to mean little or nothing to them.
2. In my thinking we are not seeing the moving of the Holy Spirit as much in our day. Bible Prophecy does not mean much today in our health, wealth, and prosperity teaching Churches. Christ was born to shed His Blood for a lost world, but there are some other truths, and one of them is ISRAEL. How can we fail to see this as we read our Bibles? If our present leaders would really believe that CHRIST WAS BORN and who He was and will be, they sure would act in a different manner toward Israel. They would not ask Israel to give up any land. Jerusalem WILL BE the Capital City of the world. It will be the RELIGIOUS Capital of the world. It will be the WEALTH center of the entire world. It will be the city with the most visitors in the world. It will be center of the world’s happiness, well-being, and real prosperity.
3. The leaders of the world, including our own United States, are attempting to determine the borders of Israel. THE BORDERS have already been established and they will be as the Bible says.
4. That Baby that was born THEN–and today we cannot have a nativity scene of His birth in any Government property. We are told that Sears, Kohls, and K Mart will not allow their employees to say Merry Christmas—because the word has CHRIST in it. HE WAS KING, HE IS KING, and HE WILL BE THE ONLY RULER, KING OF kings, and LORDS of lords. In His Day there will be no other Priesthood, world rulers and leaders. HE WILL BE THAT. He will be the COMMANDER AND CHIEF OF THE WORLD. There will be no West Point Military Academy ( I have preached in West Point) nor any other such academy. There will be no great armies and weapons—they will be beaten into plow shears.
5. In that Baby was the future of the whole world. At his knee every person will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.
6. According to Romans 9-10-11 all Israel will be saved. The long looked for MILLENNIUM will come. Animals will be tame. I have heard RED FOLEY sing (with tears in his eyes), ’THERE WILL BE PEACE IN THE VALLEY.’
7. The VATICAN will not be in operation, there will be no need of it. The headquarters will be in Jerusalem. There will be no POPE because there will be no need of that office any more. There never was a need and no need today. I have been in the Vatican. I have watched people kiss the metal toe of Peter and crawl on their hands and knees to kiss a certain place. When Christ is Lord there will no metal toe kissing and such foolishness.
8. There will be no Temple in Salt Lake City, (Joseph Smith), no so-called golden plates. During the Millennium we will have the REAL THING!
9. CHRISTMAS, His birth, means all of this and much more. The whole future of the world changed that day in Bethlehem when Heaven’s choir sang
10. There is a story told that when Pilate came home that night after the Crucifixion, he was tired and exhausted and laid down on his couch and said to his wife, ‘I am finally rid of that one they called the Christ.’ His wife replied, ‘Pilate, I don’t think you have done away with Him, I THINK YOU HAVE RELEASED HIM FOR NOW AND ALL ETERNITY.’ She was so right.
11. There are many other truths about His Birth that I would like to talk about but I am out of space and time…for now. Let us think about HIS BIRTH THIS CHRISTMAS.
12. During this Christmas our religious world is offering a religion that pleases the worldly crowd that is filling our modern Churches.
13. In the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 1, 2005, they had an article about Christian Rock. They referred to the groups called the Third Day or U 2. The writer of the article said that they are not like other rock bands. They may call it Third Day or tack the name Christian on it but it still of the world. There is no such thing as Christian Rock. Rock, yes, but Christian…NO! The beat is the same, the dress is the same as any Rock Band of the world. It reminds you of the false prophet of Revelation 13-11, ‘he had two horns like a lamb, but he spake as a dragon.’ When John wrote this 2000 years ago he probably did not know that he was writing the description of the so-called Christian Rock groups of today. Of course all “Scripture is God-breathed and inspired.” John did not know all he was writing but the Holy Spirit (The Author of the Bible) could see 2005 as well as He saw that day. You see these groups on Trinity Broadcasting day after day. Sad as it is—many of our Churches (Baptist included) are allowing this in their services.
This so-called CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP is the downfall of many Churches today.
14. You must ask yourself—will there be two services in Heaven…and the answer is NO! Either Contemporary is right or TRADITIONAL is right. I am on the side of the Traditional. What would The Third Day Rock group know about ‘I surrender all,’ ‘There is a fountain filled with blood,’ or ‘Rock of Ages?’ As a matter of fact far too many of our Churches are getting away from the Old Songs that have stood the test of time. Today we have far more ‘JOINERS’ than ‘MOURNERS.’
15. The list of seven Churches in Revelation (Revelation, chapters 2 and 3) closes with the LAODICEAN Church. Many of us believe—that is where we are today. Never in the history of the Church was there as many RICH CHURCHES (Mega-Churches) as today Take a look at TBN and many of their preachers own private jets and talk about God raising up a group of Jet owners for the Glory of God.
You need to read the list of equipment that it takes to for the U 2 to perform. Their smoke machines can fill the big arenas in Atlanta. Friend you can fall for this is you so desire but here is one OLD-FASHIONED, BIBLE BELIEVIJG preacher that sees it as perversion. It is big business and they are leaders in the entertainment world.
Wana and I are old-fashioned believers. This old-fashioned way has worked for us—64 years and we don’t plan to change now.
We appreciate all who support THE WINFREY EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIAITON. Your gifts can be used for your Income Tax Purposes. We support works–worldwide. We are helping some of the great works and some of God’s chosen workers—because many of our friends support us.
Our thanks to MISS SANDY EDWARDS, President and owner of ‘CARVER TAX & ACCOUNTING, Inc.’ She does all our work for us.
Our thanks to GLENN & MARY LABBIE for maintaining our Website that keeps you up to date on where we will be and what we are doing.
Thanks to all the preachers who invite us to be in the Churches they Pastor.
God bless you this Christmas Season. We love you.
Gene and Wana Romans 11-33
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