I was raised in a Christian home for which I am very thankful. I went to Church regularly since my Dad was a Baptist Preacher. I heard preaching all of my life, yet I had never been born again. Gene and I were married in 1942 and he also became a Preacher. We held tent meetings and pastored Churches in Oklahoma. We also had a daily program for years on Radio Station K A K C along with other stations.I helped in every way being a Preacher’s wife but Gene’s sermons on ‘hell’ upset me. When our daughter, Jean Ann, was born, while under the anesthetic I felt myself plunging into hell and could not help myself. God revealed to me that I had to confess I had never been saved. It was difficult, but God gave me another chance and I promised I would give my testimony wherever and whenever we went. I only regret I waited so long but I will never forget the day I was truly free from the frustration of being unsure about dying without Jesus.
To those who read this testimony—don’t take a chance of putting off salvation. The Devil will tell you there is plenty of time but tomorrow may mean Goodbye. Our home has been as close to heaven here on earth since I got saved. I love being a born-again Preacher’s wife and I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now. We plan to travel and work together until Jesus comes or until He takes us home to Heaven.